Metabasis N. 36
edición digital

peer review

Cada ensayo de la revista es examinado por dos referees anónimos cuiyas observaciónes seran enviadas a l’autor.

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Fragmentos 4

Fragmentos 4

Noviembre 2023 - Año XVIII - Número 36

Reflexiones políticas

The impact of Artificial Intelligence and Data on political power and geopolitical equilibria

Paolo Bellini, Edoardo Campanella, Alessandro Piccioni

DOI: 10.7413/18281567256

In 1983, in the midst of the Cold War, Stanislaw Petrov, then a Russian general, was asked to replace the duty officer at the bunker located near Moscow Serpuchov 15. General Petrov’s task was to monitor the OKO satellite system placed to guard U.S. missile sites, interpreting and verifying its data, in order to inform his superiors of a possible nuclear attack against the Soviet Union. Just after midnight, Petrov detected the launch of five missiles from the United States, headed toward Russian territory. Considering the U.S. attack to be too small compared to their weapons endowments, Petrov decided to declassify - correctly - the signal received as an error of the monitoring system. This assessment, in very good probability, averted a catastrophic military escalation.


Navigating the governance of macroscopic changes presents an inherently multifaceted challenge. Analogous to the resistance encountered during organizational transformations by employees, every societal shift – be it a technological revolution or alterations in technical and cultural landscapes – elicits significant skepticism and distrust among the populace. Recent global upheavals, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, have polarized societies, particularly affecting nations with a lesser degree of cultural preparedness and minimal levels of mutual trust. The advent of the digital revolution, transforming modes of work and consumption, alongside historically significant events like wars and pandemics, invariably triggers a resurgence of nostalgic nationalism.

Corpo e azione politica. Una riflessione filosofico-politica tra gli spazi urbani e gli spazi digitali.

Alessandra Micol Caprioli

DOI: 10.7413/18281567254

Le innovazioni introdotte dalla quarta rivoluzione industriale riportano al centro dei dibattiti filosofico-politici il tema della democrazia diretta, poiché le attuali potenzialità del digitale sembrano poter ricongiungere la sovranità e la governance, attraverso l’implementazione delle risorse finalizzate a realizzare l’ipotesi “fantascientifica che ogni cittadino possa trasmettere il proprio voto a un cervello elettronico standosene comodamente a casa e schiacciando un bottone”, immaginata da N. Bobbio oltre quarant’anni fa.


This contribution aims to reflect on the concept of political action, which seems to be altered as it is applied not only to urban spaces, but also to digital ones. In particular, this speculative path is developed by paying particular attention to the role occupied by a specific element, sometimes neglected and sometimes highlighted, within theories of political action: the body. In fact, starting from the observations offered by Hannah Arendt on political action and the philosophical-political debates that have emerged around her considerations, the category of plurality is compared to the possibility of including a corporeal dimension into the action, to be subsequently employed as a peculiar key to try to understand whether or not the digital world can establish a new space of politics.

Dall’Idea al totalitarismo. Contributo all’interpretazione di Marx e della sua eredità.

Salvatore Muscolino

DOI: 10.7413/18281567255

Il Novecento è stato il secolo delle grandi ideologie totalitarie e tra queste il comunismo è quella che è durata più a lungo, ben oltre l’89, considerando il fatto che ancora oggi esistono regimi come quelli cinese e nordcoreano che espressamente si richiamano ad essa.


The purpose of this article is to show the weakness of the ideological position according to which “one can define oneself as communist today, despite the historic crimes of communist regimes”. In my opinion, the legitimacy of this position would depend upon being able to demonstrate that there could be an “authentic Marxism” that would have nothing to do with its erroneous historical manifestations. And it is precisely this topic on which I will focus my critical analysis.

Horizontes filosóficos

Nuove metamorfosi del lavoro. Prospettive contemporanee di filosofia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni.

Nicolò Maria Ingarra

DOI: 10.7413/18281567251

Marx scriveva: «Il lavoro sembra una categoria del tutto semplice. Anche la rappresentazione del lavoro nella sua generalità – come lavoro in generale – è molto antica»[1]. Eppure, se per metamorfosi del lavoro intendiamo letteralmente le forme che questo ha assunto col mutare dei tempi e dei contesti, ci rendiamo conto della difficoltà odierna nel pensare unitariamente il lavoro. Il ruolo della filosofia del lavoro appare centrale per operare uno scavo concettuale oltre la frammentazione disciplinare che ne ha tradizionalmente caratterizzato lo studio.


If by the metamorphosis of labour, we literally mean the forms that labour has taken with changing times and contexts, we realise the difficulty of addressing it by definitions and the usefulness instead of a problematising approach, capable of identifying and discussing the problems it poses. It is here that the role of the philosophy of labour becomes central in order to make a conceptual excavation and also to overcome the disciplinary fragmentation with which it has traditionally been investigated. Following this line of enquiry, it is then possible to think about the current metamorphoses considering the new questions raised by capitalist development and the microphysics that creeps in (starting with the consequences of flexibilisation and precariousness). What then are the modern prospects for a philosophy of labour that is aware of the renewed organisational contexts?

Brief platonic notes for a working hypothesis on Thomas’ De regimine principium. Tracks and themes for comparison.

Leonardo Masone

DOI: 10.7413/18281567250

It seems almost obvious to state the Aristotelian influence on the political thought of Thomas Aquinas, as indeed on many thinkers of his time. Again in his last work, the De Regimine principium ad regem Cypri et de regimine iudaeorum ad ducissam Brabantiae, Aristotelian elements are evident in the suggestions that the Dominican philosopher dedicates to Hugh II of Lusignan, King of Cyprus until 1267, who in return had a chapel consecrated to the monk in Nicosia Cathedral.


Thomas Aquinas is rightly considered a thinker influenced by the Aristotelian philosophical approach widespread in the Middle Ages. However, at least as regards the political profile, it is possible to hypothesize that the reflections of the theologian's last phase were fascinated by elements oriented towards a certain mature Platonism. In particular, it is possible to find traces of Plato’s Laws on De Regimine Principium, an unfinished pamphlet. A fascinating thematic hypothesis that deserves further investigation.

Le gang giovanili e la loro sopravvivenza nel tempo. Un problema definitorio.

Margherita Pelissero

DOI: 10.7413/18281567253

Forme embrionali di gang giovanili si manifestarono in modo significativo in America dopo la crisi degli anni Trenta come un fenomeno caratterizzante per lo più le grandi città coinvolte dai processi di «industrializzazione» e «inurbamento» di molte famiglie, rappresentando una minaccia alla sicurezza urbana con cui le varie società dovevano fare i conti. Tali gruppi di ragazzi coinvolti in attività criminose rappresentano una realtà particolarmente complessa che può assumere fisionomie e perfino denominazioni differenti a seconda del contesto sociale di riferimento tanto da rendere difficile l’individuazione di un modello univoco ed egemone di banda.


The phenomenon of youth gangs – which manifested itself significantly in America after the crisis of the 1930s – has also spread to Europe and Italy in the following decades, arousing considerable attention among sociologists. The aim of this article is to briefly outline the social causes at the origin of this phenomenon and to investigate the account itself of youth gang, identifying the necessary and sufficient characteristics that the activities put in place by a group of boys must have in order to qualify as a gang. To this end, I analyse and compare the studies and positions of various sociologists – not coeval – such as Frederic M. Trasher, Albert K. Cohen and Franco Prina. The analysis induces to hypothesize for this complex phenomenon a multifactorial genesis that require a punctual case-by-case study.

Ipertrofie comunicative e ipotrofia del logos. La parola nella rete tra il nulla e il silenzio.

Fiammetta Ricci

DOI: 10.7413/18281567252

Analizzare le forme, gli strumenti e i processi della odierna comunicazione sociale, sempre più caratterizzati dall’egemonia algoritmica del digitale, cercando di seguirne le continue modificazioni, credo sia fondamentale per capire come si stia trasformando il rapporto tra soggetto, parola-azione e relazione comunicativa. Adottando una prospettiva metodologica che non accetta aprioristicamente né l’esaltazione, né la demonizzazione degli strumenti tecnologici, bisogna piuttosto tornare a porre domande, anche inquietanti purché feconde e coraggiose, su quale libertà e autonomia oggi disponiamo nel difficile equilibrio tra affermazione di sé e rispetto dell’altro, tra forme più o meno subdole di assoggettamento e bisogno di riconoscimento, tra verità e post-verità, e, in ultima istanza, tra democrazie e post-democrazie.


The global digital communication system, which is constantly expanding and enhancing, shapes a new order of logical procedures, ethical frameworks and cognitive modalities. We are in a hypertrophic acceleration of the relational fabric, of interconnectivity networks, of the “social” dimension of human life. I believe that analyzing the forms, tools and processes of today's social communication, increasingly characterized by the algorithmic hegemony of the digital world, is fundamental to understanding how the relationship between subject, word-action and communicative relationship is changing. We need to go back to asking questions about what freedom and autonomy we have today in the difficult balance between self-affirmation and respect for the other, between forms of subjugation and the need for recognition, between truth and post-truth, and, in the last instance, between democracies, post-democracies and infocracies.

Sulla genesi di dike. Filosofia della giustizia nella Repubblica di Platone.

Erasmo Silvio Storace

DOI: 10.7413/18281567257

Le pagine che seguono indagheranno il concetto di “giustizia” a partire da Platone, attraverso un percorso che parte dal mondo presocratico e giunge sino alla Repubblica platonica, prendendo cioè le mosse dalla genesi più arcaica del concetto stesso di “giustizia”, interrogato nella sua radice etimologica.


The objective of this article is to attempt to reconstruct the philosophical and political genesis of the notion of “dike” within Plato’s thought, with particular reference to the thought of the pre-Socratic philosophers. Through recalling the etymological roots of the terms “themis”, “dike” and “ius”, the different faces of “justice” will be shown, culminating in Platonic thought, developed in the Republic, in which justice becomes an idea, that is, a meta-virtue on which the political balance of the polis must be based.

Metabasis N. 36
edición digital

peer review

Cada ensayo de la revista es examinado por dos referees anónimos cuiyas observaciónes seran enviadas a l’autor.

Ficha de evaluación

Criterios editoriales