Metabasis N. 25
digital edition

peer review

Each essay of this journal is reviewed by two anonymous referees and their comments are sent to the authors .

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Populism and democracy II

Populism and democracy II

May 2018 - Year XIII - Number 25

Political reflections

Violence in Hegel’s political philosophy

Libero Federici

DOI: 10.7413/18281567122

This essay focuses on the function of violence in Hegel’s political philosophy. Its purpose is to underline how Hegel considers violence not a marginal but a decisive factor in the discussed interrelationships. Hegel equates the interaction of Active and Passive Substance with violence and stresses that violence allows the passage from Substance to Subject and then the arrival to the dimension of Concept. Violence acts in the struggle between self-consciousness and takes part in the founding process of the State. It moreover characterizes the tyrant’s boundless power and becomes war in disputes between national States.

Should we give citizens heart starting by meekness? Searching for a new sense of “limit”

Luca Gasbarro

DOI: 10.7413/18281567120

The concept of “citizenship”, as it is commonly understood, is based on a whole series of de-limitations formed by the triad: territory (limes), authority (auctoritas), law (ius). As it is known, this triad has been living a disarticulation process. This process is due to an increasing and pervasive expansion of the economic initiative and to the economic market that has significantly changed the relationship between politics and economy. Consequently, the relationship between State and citizen has changed too, altering the concept of “citizenship” itself. A revaluation of the real sense of “limit” is therefore necessary. Is it an escape from the crisis or a research of the concept itself? It can be also useful to rethink about the concept of “citizenship” not only in burocratic-admnistrative terms but especially in substantial and ideals ones.

The “return of the removed”. Carl Schmitt and the last Habermas.

Salvatore Muscolino

DOI: 10.7413/18281567124

In this essay, I propose to look at Habermas’ recent work like an implicit recognition of the theoretical value of some Carl Schmitt’s ideas. Regardless of the harsh criticism that Habermas manifests towards Schmitt’s political theology in his latest essays.

Subversion of the institutional order and capital punishment: an historical overview

Federico Lorenzo Ramaioli

DOI: 10.7413/18281567125

In the course of Western juridical history, the use of capital punishment has been a constant, at least until relatively recent times. This is even more evident when it comes to punishing attempts to subvert the institutional order, regardless of the legal and political qualification of State and community given by a certain historical period. In such circumstances, the political community does not seem able to renounce the instrument of the death penalty to guarantee its self-preservation. This article analyzes the nexus between subversion of the institutional order and death penalty, starting from four heterogeneous historical experiences of European history.

Populist Rhetorics. Thoughts on the moderate and radical left-wing political languages.

Erasmo Silvio Storace

DOI: 10.7413/18281567123

The present article investigates contemporary political languages and, in particular, the rhetoric that develops within the so-called populist movements. Particular attention will be focused on Italian Parties and Movements linked to the moderate left and the radical left, wondering how much populist rhetoric has penetrated into their language. Firstly, we will question whether populism, in general, should be politically placed right or left. Secondly, we will focus on populist rhetoric in general and on the related spin-doctoring strategies. Two focus will follow: first, on the political language of the moderate left, with particular reference to the PD (Partito Democratico) led by Matteo Renzi (considered until September 2017); finally, on the radical left movements which, in Europe in general, showed a belated adjustment with respect to the winning strategies of some populist movements which, on the contrary, have shown to obtain an ever wider consensus, thanks to the rhetoric they have been able to use.

Philosophical Horizons

Beyond the State, Góngora and the lexicon of Dante and Petrarch. With the translation of thirty Sonnets.

Domenico Corradini H. Broussard

DOI: 10.7413/18281567121

Why Góngora, in the Sonetos Dedicatorios too, doesn’t sing the State (and the States)? Why he just sings Nobles, Ecclesiastics, Poets, and Cities as Cordova? Why he has got an artisanal imagine of State, built on the life of Royal Courts? Why his Baroque comes from the lexicon of Dante, not only from the lexicon of Petrarch? Why in Góngora there is, at times, an «imitation» of some poems of Torquato Tasso, but never of his Gerusalemme liberata and of Christian Reginald and Pagan Armida, that in the First Crusade represented respectively the Occidental Europe, guided from the Pope State, and the Oriental Europe, guided from the Muslim States? Here the questions, to which I try to respond.

Virtual Ouroboros: palimpsest identities and regressive tendencies to unconscious in techno-society

Giada Fiorese

DOI: 10.7413/18281567126

Individuals’ character structure and society’s socio-economic structure are dependent on each other, so that in techno-civilization individuals are trapped into a virtual totality and they show behaviours that can be analyzed through the symbolism of the ouroboros - an ancient mythical serpent used to symbolize perpetuity- , not only as a continuous process of individual and collective identity re-construction but also as a regressive tendency towards an unconscious dimension, towards an artificially built totality in which dominant values change continuously and the difference between opposites seems to disappear. Along with virtual generated content, consciousness is dipped in an eternal online present, so that individuals suffer from a lack of awareness against the real world.

Metabasis N. 25
digital edition

peer review

Each essay of this journal is reviewed by two anonymous referees and their comments are sent to the authors .

Evaluation Form