Metabasis N. 22
Digital Edition

peer review

Wird jeder Essay von 2 Referees anonym bewertet und ihre Kommentare werden dem Autor des Essays zurückgeschickt.


Vertrauen: Gesellschaft, Kultur und imaginären

Vertrauen: Gesellschaft, Kultur und imaginären

November 2016 - Jahr XI - Heft 22

Politische Überlegungen

Assiège à la colonie des magnètes: confiance, droit, narration

Clelia Castellano

DOI: 10.7413/18281567084

Ce bref article lance quelques réflexions autour de la dimension narratologique du droit occidental et sur les rapports intervenus, au cours des siècles, entre Droit et Littérature.


The aim of this paper is to rethink the value of the poetic and narrative dimension in a season of law nihilism. In a platonic perspective, these dimensions might be able to build a bridge of confidence between the citizens and their laws.

De homine lingenti ovvero aspetti e categorie della servitù volontaria. Breve nota di microfisica del potere.

Antimo Cesaro

DOI: 10.7413/18281567086

Questo breve saggio si compone di tre parti. Nella prima, abbozzando una descrizione della dimensione relazionale della politicità si tenterà – in una visione pessimistica dell’umanità, per dir così sub specie peccati – di porre in evidenza la sua natura menzognera e fraudolenta, sottolineando che il costante strumento di azione, conservazione e riproduzione delle dinamiche del potere può essere sostanzialmente individuato – con riferimento alla lezione di Machiavelli – nell’inganno.


This brief paper intends to investigate the dynamics lying at the basis of politics relationship by examining the role of the lie and trickery. Furthermore, by reading the Discours de la servitude volontaire di Ètienne de La Boétie, the topic about the voluntary deception will be investigate, focusing on the obscure desire to serve that offers a different way to interpret the political phenomena.

Politica e giustizia: a proposito della costituzione materiale

Lucio d’Alessandro

DOI: 10.7413/18281567088

Nel primo libro della Repubblica di Platone, Trasimaco cerca di spiegare a Socrate che la Giustizia è l’«utile del più forte». Ma Socrate si difende con l’argomento in base al quale chi governa non lo fa nel proprio interesse, ma nell’interesse di chi è governato.


In Italy, the transition from the so-called First Republic to the present one marked a tangible change in the material constitution: a shift from the “Party Republic” (Scoppola) to a kind of Schmittian “State of Jurisdiction”, in which the closure of the system is given, in the final analysis, by judicial decision. Mortati’s notion of material constitution may still play a useful role in analysing this transition, since it looks to the historically concrete basis and therefore to the existing social organisation to find the balance between the powers exercised within society, and that seek within the constitutional legal order an instrument apt to protect the interests that they bear.

Giustizia sociale o giustizia del mercato? La Corte costituzionale italiana alle prese con la razionalità economica.

Sergio Marotta

DOI: 10.7413/18281567090

Alcune recenti sentenze della Corte costituzionale inducono alla riflessione sul conflitto in atto tra le politiche di austerità attuate nei Paesi con un forte indebitamento pubblico e la difesa dei diritti fondamentali collegati, in generale, alla sfera patrimoniale. La riforma costituzionale del 2012 ha modificato l’articolo 81 della Costituzione, introducendo il principio del pareggio di bilancio e acuendo la tensione esistente tra un legislatore impegnato a recuperare risorse nel tentativo di uscire dalla crisi e la Corte costituzionale schierata in difesa dei parametri costituzionali posti a garanzia dei diritti a una retribuzione che assicuri un’esistenza libera e dignitosa, alla tutela delle libertà sindacali, a una tassazione equa e progressiva basata sulla diversa capacità contributiva.


Recent rulings made by the Italian Constitutional Court invite reflection on the ongoing conflict between the austerity policies implemented in countries with high public debt and the protection of rights that are fundamental to citizens’ quality of life and to workers’ dignity.

Political local action: which role for the territorial stakeholders?

Sara Petroccia

DOI: 10.7413/18281567091

The framework of this work is the union of theory and research on the local level, especially in the aspects of the analysis of the strategies for the active involvement of local stakeholders, and the mechanisms to activate the processes of mobilization – both internal and external to the territory – as well as actors and local resources.


The Applications of analysis of this paper can be summarized as follows: “Does public intervention produce the desired effects?”; “What works and what does not, for whom and why?”; “How are the reasons for the failure of an intervention to be confronted?”. It is not always easy to answer to these questions, because the answer requires the identification of the causal link between the implementation of the intervention and the observed changes in the variables which will be affected by the intervention. We will try to do it in the following paper.

Inutili considerazioni sulla fiducia

Natascia Villani

DOI: 10.7413/18281567093

Sentimento, vincolo o atteggiamento di carattere prevalentemente etico, presenza fondante il soggetto nella sua dimensione di relazione e dunque nella sua socialità, la fiducia occupa un posto non secondario nel pensiero occidentale, talvolta intrecciata (fino al rischio di confondersi) con altri termini come cooperazione, legittimità, consenso.


Trust, whatever we perceive it as – as a sentiment, as a commitment, as a bond – it calls for the important role it has in western thinking and sometimes it is linked to other terms - collaboration, legitimacy, consensus. And we are under the risk of mixing up these all. Starting from the Aristotelian distinctions of the term friendship, linked to the concept of pistis, it still opens up to a world of unfulfilled expectations, where trusted relationship come to be supported by law. It leads us to a dark side of the human soul: one in which trust seems reduced to a minimum.

Philosophische Aussichten

Some reflections on epistemic justification

Stefano Colloca

DOI: 10.7413/18281567087

The aim of this paper is twofold, since we will attempt to answer two different questions: (i) what is epistemic justification? (ii) is it possible? Our field of inquiry will be the empirical knowledge of the external world.


The aim of this paper is to define a plausible concept of epistemic justification for empirical knowledge of the external world and to investigate whether it is possible to justify beliefs. Three accounts of epistemic justification will be considered: strong internalism, weak internalism and externalism. With regard to the first aim, I will argue that we cannot choose an account of justification, independently of our contingent epistemic needs. With regard to the second aim, I will argue that, whatever account of justification we adopt (more or less demanding), no justification for our empirical beliefs on the external world can be achieved.

Quelques proximités entre la philosophie de Jean-Jacques Wunenburger et les images du feu

Thácio Ferreira dos Santos

DOI: 10.7413/18281567092

En tant qu’élément ambivalent, le feu demeure en quelque sorte le symbole des transformations radicales. D’ailleurs, Gaston Bachelard avait bien remarqué la vitesse des changements conditionnés par le feu : « Si tout ce qui change lentement s’explique par la vie, tout ce qui change vite s’explique par le feu ».


In this paper we show how the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Wunenburger approaches some of the images of fire, especially with regard to the notions of contradiction and antagonism. Furthermore, we aim to demon-strate that such a perspective lends itself as a guide able to go through the “labyrinthine layout of the world” with patience and perseverance. We conclude with a testimony on the impact of the work of this philosopher in our own intellectual itinerary.

Metabasis N. 22
Digital Edition

peer review

Wird jeder Essay von 2 Referees anonym bewertet und ihre Kommentare werden dem Autor des Essays zurückgeschickt.
