Metabasis N. 37
in edizione digitale

peer review

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Frammenti 5

Frammenti 5

Maggio 2024 - Anno XIX - Numero 37

Riflessioni politiche

Contemporary challenges. Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine conflicts between justice and international intervention.

Fabrizio Sciacca

DOI: 10.7413/18281567259

The R2P doctrine is built on the idea that sovereignty, in its legitimate form, requires a state to ensure the protection of its citizens’ human rights. This principle, formally accepted at the 2005 United Nations World Summit, asserts that when a state fails in this core responsibility, the international community has a duty to intervene – even militarily, as a last resort – to protect populations at risk.


The principle of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) stands as one of the most ambitious and morally charged constructs in contemporary political philosophy and international law. It endeavors to articulate the conditions under which the international community bears an obligation to intervene in the face of gross human rights violations – genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity. Yet, as the protracted crises in Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine starkly reveal, the application of R2P is fraught with profound challenges, arising at the tangled nexus of geopolitical rivalries, ethical imperatives, and the inviolable claims of state sovereignty. This study engages the theoretical frameworks of John Rawls and Michael Walzer, probing the normative boundaries of justice, legitimacy, and intervention in these fraught contexts. It examines the extent to which the ideals of R2P can withstand the realities of power politics and ethical ambivalence, and in doing so, critically evaluates the contradictions that beset the international community in its aspirations to uphold universal human dignity amidst competing interests and moral uncertainties. Through this lens, it seeks to deepen our understanding of both the promise and the perils of one of the most defining principles of our global moral order.

Sulla struttura di dike. Filosofia della giustizia nella politica di Aristotele.

Erasmo Silvio Storace

DOI: 10.7413/18281567263

Le seguenti riflessioni, dando per presupposta la genesi del concetto di dike nel pensiero platonico (sulla quale si è già lavorato in un precedente articolo intitolato “Sulla genesi di dike. Filosofia della giustizia nella Repubblica di Platone”), intendono indagare il concetto di “giustizia” nell’Etica Nicomachea e nella Politica di Aristotele, nel costante riferimento alla dimensione presocratica il cui le riflessioni su dike sono sorte.


The objective of this article is to investigate the structure of the concept of “justice” (dike) as it is developed by Aristotle. He, abandoning the Platonic perspective (according to which “justice” is an idea), believes that “justice” constitutes the trait d'union of ethics and politics. In his distinction between the spheres of knowledge, ethics and politics are established as two separate domains; however, there is one virtue that, more than the others, has a dual significance, both in an individual and collective sense. For Aristotle, justice represents a particularly effective virtue, since only those who possess it behave virtuously with others and with themselves. He then classifies different forms of justice, including the well-known distinction between distributive and commutative justice. With this now fully rational view of justice, completely emancipated from the narratives of the age of myth, Aristotle shows himself to be both an interpreter in step with his times and a witness to a world that is ending: that of the Greek polis.

Silenzio e canto nella terra d’Aspromonte. Osservazioni filosofico-politiche sulle radici cosmogoniche dell’omicidio sacrificale.

Margherita Geniale

DOI: 10.7413/18281567265

Il fenomeno mafioso in Italia ha origini storico-sociali complesse, forme e valenze che si sono evolute in relazione al mutamento dei contesti territoriali di appartenenza. Fra le possibili diversificazioni persiste tuttavia l’unanime aspetto misterioso di tali forme associative, sottese alla gestione del potere politico. È il mistero dell’origine del sistema mafioso a ispirare la presente analisi. L’ipotesi seguita è che il mistero del potere traluca dal carattere antropologico-religioso della più arcaica fra le associazioni mafiose, la ‘ndrangheta calabrese, qui presa a modello d’osservazione in un’accezione filosofico-politica, attraverso una prospettiva ermeneutica mimetico-simbolica.


The mafia phenomenon in Italy has complex historical and social origins, forms and values that have evolved in relation to the change in the territorial contexts to which they belong. Among the possible diversifications, however, there is still the unanimous mysterious aspect of these forms of association, underlying the management of political power. It is the mystery of the origin of the mafia system that inspires this analysis. The hypothesis followed is that the mystery of power transpires from the an-thropological-religious character of the most archaic of the mafia associations, the Calabrian 'ndran-gheta, here taken as a model of observation in a philosophical-political sense, through a mimetic-symbolic hermeneutical perspective.

Orizzonti filosofici

“Naturale” e “artificiale”: La concatenazione di una singola intelligenza.

Licia Barletta

DOI: 10.7413/18281567260

Alla presentazione della macchina per filare, nel 1733, John Wyatt ne dichiarò il funzionamento «without the intervention of human fingers», senza l’intervento di dita umane: principiava da tale premessa la rivoluzione industriale del secolo XVIII, resa possibile da ideazioni e innovazioni tecniche che alterarono radicalmente la produzione e da favorevoli presupposti di tipo culturale, economico e sociale.


In the capitalist context, it has been possible to observe the dissolution of individual capacities in the face of the assertion of technical mechanisms, science and the mass of social labour, through the assertion of pervasive power, but the means have no moral responsibility for the repercussions produced and the contradictions lie instead in their use. The opposition of the categories of natural and artificial emerges from a classification dependent on the disciplinary society, where the natural is configured as what should be ordinary, connoted by a positive meaning, as opposed to the artificial, acquired through technical processes, often connoted in a pejorative sense. However, the attribute natural does not circumscribe a class of objective phenomena, and its reference tends to change with changing perspectives.

Tecnoscienza e intelligenza artificiale: l’impatto dell’uomo sull’uomo nell’era dell’artificio.

Cassandra Basile

DOI: 10.7413/18281567261

Può una pubblicità destare tanto scalpore da costringere una compagnia a scusarsi pubblicamente? Sono innumerevoli le volte in cui una pubblicità è stata ritenuta non idonea, in quanto veicolante messaggi violanti norme etiche o del buon costume. Tuttavia, nel caso che si sta per considerare, di fatto, non vi è stata alcuna violazione. Eppure, paradossalmente, ne è emersa una di natura nuova (almeno per quanto riguarda l’ambito pubblicitario): la violazione del concetto di essere umano. 


This paper delves into the complex interplay between humans and technology, especially artificial intelligence, exploring the implications of rapid technological advancements. By examining the increasing reliance on AI in various domains, from entertainment to healthcare and surveillance, I argue that the relationship between humans and machines is undergoing a fundamental shift. Through a close reading of contemporary examples, such as the use of AI-generated content and the development of AI-powered surveillance systems, this paper highlights the potential risks and benefits associated with this technological revolution. I contend that while AI offers numerous advantages, it also raises profound ethical, social, and political questions regarding privacy, autonomy, inequality, and the future of work. Ultimately, this paper calls for a critical assessment of the societal impact of AI and advocates for a more nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by this rapidly evolving technology, and the need for robust regulations and ethical guidelines to ensure its responsible development and deployment.

Il silenzio e l’occidente.
3. Silenzio e mistica cristiana medievale. Prima parte: le influenze pagane.

Sergio A. Dagradi

DOI: 10.7413/18281567262

Le pagine che seguono vanno a costituire la prima parte della terza tappa di un percorso volto a sondare la presenza della dimensione del silenzio all’interno della cosiddetta cultura occidentale, o la sua effettiva assenza.


This essay is the third contribution in a series aimed at probing the presence of the dimension of silence within the so-called Western culture. The general objective of my attempt is to falsify the presumed absence of this presence in this culture tradition. In this script, I would like to dwell on the link that the mysticism of the medieval Christian tradition has woven with the dimension of silence, and particularly the role played by silence in the construction of the dimension of the sacred, in the attitude assumed towards the Unspeakable, the Ineffable and the transcendence of the Supreme Being. This first part will focus on pagan influences.

Percorsi tematici

Startup innovative al femminile: l’opportunità per una nuova definizione di leadership.

Alessandro Maria Buzzi

DOI: 10.7413/18281567264

Fare impresa è un’arte complessa, per di più se inserita nella geopolitica odierna. Fare impresa al femminile, è ancora più complesso.
L’imprenditoria femminile fa ancora molta fatica ad emergere. Il Financial Times (2019) riporta che il 98% dei finanziamenti del venture capital sono destinati a realtà esclusivamente maschili. La situazione italiana mostra che le imprese guidate da donne sono solo una su 5 (il 22.2%) e che le startup innovative con una fondatrice donna sono poco più di una su 10 (il 12.6%).


Innovative startups are an integral part of the global entrepreneurship. Male and female entrepreneurs who decide to start a business project, realizing their ideas in innovative and uncertain contexts, are driven by similar motivation and incentives, but they show differences in the ambitions, personal characteristics and in the management of power. This article builds a theoretical framework, in order to analyze, first of all, on a social and psychological level, which gender affinities and divergences are connected to the launch and development of an innovative startup. The article aims to overcome the vision of leadership focused exclusively on the contrast between men and women, in order to achieve a new perspective of leadership, constituted by value and intersubjectivity as a precondition of male and female identities, in order to build social and professional contexts characterized by participation and cooperation, in a fruitful and constructive dialogue between men and women.

Metabasis N. 37
in edizione digitale

peer review

Ogni saggio della rivista viene valutato da due referees in forma anonima e i loro commenti inviati all’autore.

Scheda di valutazione

Criteri redazionali